Social and Ecological Commitment for Greater Sustainability

Our sustainability is based on three pillars

Sustainability is on everyone’s lips. At GBC, it is part of everyday life. It is important to us to respond to our needs today while at the same time respecting the opportunities of future generations.

At GBC, sustainability means more than just environmental protection. To this end, we align our actions with the sustainability triangle based on these three important pillars: ecology, social responsibility and economy.

Our Commitment to the UN Global Compact

We, GBC, are proud to support the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and have firmly anchored them in our strategy, policies and operations. We attach great importance to promoting and protecting these principles throughout the entire supply chain.

Our Goal: climate-neutral by 2025

We have already achieved 84% of this!

Fair Trade with Amfori

To make our sustainable ideas more transparent and comprehensible for everyone, we belong to amfori. This is an initiative to improve social standards and the environment.
We would like to emphasize our commitment to open and sustainable trade. The underlying code of conduct is the basis strategy and clearly sets us apart from our competitors. With amfori we are part of a wider network of producers who, like us, pursue the same sustainable goal.

Here you can get more information about amfori.

Sustainable Ecology at GBC in Detail:

  • Building with the highest energy standard
  • Renewable energies | self-supplier
  • Electric cars = energy storage
  • Paperless office
  • Towels instead of paper towels
  • Water dispenser and cook (lounge and outdoor area)
  • Own print shop – ecological colors (regional partners)
  • No outer packaging
  • Print On Demand
  • Second-hand packaging
  • Reduction of polybags and plastic articles, short-lived articles
  • Recycling with Interseroh since 2010
  • We save 54,292 kg of resources and 7,180 kg of greenhouse gases per year