We congratulate our trainees on completing their training and being taken on at GBC

GBC has successfully completed the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Climate Change with an impressive “B” grade

an important step on our way to a more sustainable future!

As a committed member of the CDP community, we have not only transparently disclosed our environmental data, but have also taken concrete measures to bring about positive changes for our environment.

In key categories such as Risk Management Processes, Risk Disclosure, and Governance, we even achieved the highest score of “A”, reflecting the excellence and commitment that sets us apart.

This success is the result of hard work, dedication and the tireless commitment of our outstanding team.

Of course, we are aware that there is always room for improvement. Our special focus is now on investing even more energy in our environmental practices and creating an even greener future!

A big thank you to each and every one of you for your tireless efforts and support in 2023! Together, we have not only advanced our efforts in environmental and sustainability processes, but also achieved a top performance in the CDP!

The power of the team is reflected in its ability to constantly improve and shape a sustainable future. Here’s to many more successes and positive changes in the name of the environment!

Together we are shaping a greener future!